UW Math 120 Precalculus

The full text, the assigned problems and additional problems are each available to freely download and print. This is based on the 2000-01 edition "UW 2000 Precalculus: A first course in problem solving", by D.H. Collingwood and K.D. Prince. We each hold the copyright but allow free distribution to educators for use in their classrooms. The text and the problems are all in .pdf format for easy viewing and printing.

Full Text
The 2000-01 edition of the text UW 2000 Precalculus: A first course in problem solving, by D.H. Collingwood and K.D. Prince, can be downloaded here. The text is approximately 300 pages in length. It may be purchased from Professional Copy and Print, 4200 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105; phone (206) 634-2689. The cost is approximately $20.

Supplementary Problems
The text has been used for six years at the UW. Previous editions contained substantially more problems and additional sections beyond the 2000-01 edition. In fact, there are 510 problems in the old text. These "old" additional problems are available as .pdf files below, listed by topic (section). Most of these are multistep problems.