The winter final will be an oral exam during exam week, March 10-14. 2013
Office Hours: Thursday 2:30--3:25 and/or by appointment, or just stop by when it suits you. I am usually here and available. My office is Padelford C-436. I am happy to answer email questions too, but I do not check my email late at night.
Grader: The grader for this course is Lorenzo Prelli. His office is PDL C-543. His office hours are 2:30-3:30 on Fridays. You can send him email at Please ask him if you have any questions about the grading.
Textbooks: "Basic Algebra" and "Advanced Algebra" by A.W. Knapp.
Grades. Your grade will be based on the homework, and the final. I will assign some homework each week, perhaps eight assignments total. Your seven best homework scores will contribute 30%, and the final will contribute 70%. In each homework set only three or four problems will be graded; each is worth 3 points. Except in extraordinary circumstances, late homework will not be accepted. If you miss the homework deadline, that homework will be one of those which does not contribute to your best seven. I cannot overemphasize the importance of doing the homework promptly and regularly. It is the only way to learn mathematics.
Week 1: Rotman 2.1, 2.3, 2.8, 2.17 and Etingof 1.20-1.25. Some solutions
Week 2: Some solutions
Week 3: Some solutions for Fall 2012 More solutions
Week 4: Some solutions for Fall 2012 More solutions
Week 5: Solutions
Week 6: Solutions
Week 7: Solutions
Week 8: Solutions
Week 9: Solutions
Week 10: page --- and page ---