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Math Circle at the University of Washington

Second Year (Grades 8-9) 2013-2014 (Archive)

Welcome UW Math Circle Second Year students! We will meet every Thursday in Loew Hall 115 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. This page will be updated weekly with new homework assignments. We will also send out a weekly newsletter to summarize the material covered during every lesson. All of our previous newsletters can be found here.

Instructors: Jonah Ostroff and Alex Vaschillo

Spring 2014

Winter 2014

Homework Assignments

This quarter we will not be assigning "homework" as we have in the past - rather we will post a few questions that we touched on in class but perhaps could not solve completely. If you (students) are interested, we will gladly discuss these questions as a class at the beginning of the next meeting.

Fall 2013

Homework Assignments