Isabella Novik
- Algebraic and geometric combinatorics,
especially combinatorics of polytopes
and manifolds
- Connections between combinatorics, commutative algebra and algebraic
Upper Bound Theorems
for homology manifolds,
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 108 (1998), 45-82.
The Lower Bound Theorem for centrally symmetric simple polytopes,
Mathematika, 46 (1999), 231-240.
A note on geometric embeddings of simplicial complexes in
a Euclidean space,
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 23 (2000),
Lower bounds for the cd-index of odd-dimensional simplicial
European Journal of Combinatorics 21 (2000), 533-541.
Syzygies of oriented matroids
(with Alex Postnikov and Bernd Sturmfels),
Duke Mathematical Journal, 111 (2002), 287-317.
Lyubeznik's resolution and rooted complexes,
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 16 (2002), 97-101.
A short simplicial h-vector and the Upper Bound Theorem
(with Patricia Hersh) ,
Discrete and Computational Geometry,
28 (2002), 283-289.
Remarks on the Upper Bound Theorem
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 104
(2003), 201-206.
Symmetric iterated Betti numbers
(with Eric Babson and Rekha Thomas),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 105 (2004),
- Face numbers and nongeneric initial ideals (with Eric Babson),
Electronic J. Combin., 11 (2004/06), no.2,
Research Paper 25, 23pp.
On face numbers of manifolds with symmetry
Advances in Math., 192 (2005), 183-208.
- Reverse Lexicographic and lexicographic shifting,
(with Eric Babson and Rekha Thomas),
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 23 (2006), 107-123.
- How neighborly can a centrally symmetric polytope be? (with Nati Linial),
Discrete and Computational Geometry 36 (2006), no. 2, 273--281.
- Face ring multiplicity via CM-connectivity
sequences (with Ed Swartz),
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 61 (2009), no.4, 888-903.
- A centrally symmetric version of the cyclic polytope
(with Alexander Barvinok),
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 39 (2008), 76-99.
- Socles of Buchsbaum modules, complexes and posets (with Ed Swartz),
Advances in Mathematics 222 (2009), 2059-2084.
- Applications of Klee's Dehn-Sommerville relations (with Ed Swartz),
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 42, Issue 2 (2009), 261-276.
- Gorenstein rings through face rings of manifolds (with Ed Swartz),
Compositio Mathematica, 145, Issue 4 (2009), 993-1000.
- Balanced complexes and complexes without large missing faces (with Michael Goff
and Steve Klee), Arkiv fur Matematik, 49, Issue 2 (2011), 335-350.
- Face numbers of generalized balanced Cohen-Macaulay complexes (with Jonathan Browder),
Combinatorica, 31(6) (2011), 669-689. [PDF]
- Face rings of simplicial complexes with singularities
(with Ezra Miller and Ed Swartz), Mathematische Annalen, 351,
Issue 4 (2011), 857-875.
- Face numbers of pseudomanifolds with isolated singularities
(with Ed Swartz), Mathematica Scandinavica, 110 (2012), 198-222.
- Centrally symmetric manifolds with few vertices (with Steve Klee),
Advances in Mathematics, 229 (2012), 487-500.
- Neighborliness of the symmetric moment curve (with Alexander Barvinok and Seung Jin Lee),
Mathematika, 59 (2013), 223-249. [PDF]
- Centrally symmetric polytopes with many faces
(with Alexander Barvinok and Seung Jin Lee),
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 195 (2013), no. 1,
457-472. [PDF]
- Explicit constructions of centrally symmetric k-neighborly
polytopes and large strictly antipodal sets
(with Alexander Barvinok and Seung Jin Lee), Discrete and Computational Geometry,
49, Issue 3 (2013), 429-443.
- From flag complexes to banner complexes (with Steve Klee), SIAM J. Discrete Math,
27 (2013), no. 2, 1146-1158.
- Bipartite Rigidity (with Gil Kalai and Eran Nevo),
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368 (2016), no. 8, 5515-5545.[PDF]
- Bipartite Minors (with Maria Chudnovsky, Gil Kalai, Eran Nevo, and Paul Seymour),
Journal Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 116 (2016), 219-228.[PDF]
- Lower bound theorems and a generalized lower bound conjecture for balanced simplicial complexes
(with Steve Klee), Mathematika, 62 (2016) 441-477.[PDF]
- Face enumeration on simplicial complexes (with Steve Klee). Recent Trends in Combinatorics, 653-686, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 159, Springer, 2016.
- Face numbers of manifolds with boundary (with Satoshi Murai), Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2017, No. 12, 3603-3646.
- Simplicial moves on balanced complexes (with Ivan Izmestiev and Steve Klee), Advances in Mathematics, 320C (2017), 82-114.
- A duality in Buchsbaum rings and triangulated manifolds (with Satoshi Murai and Ken-ichi Yoshida),
Algebra & Number Theory, 11-3 (2017), 635-656.
- Face numbers and the fundamental group (with Satoshi Murai), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 222 (2017), 297-315.
- A generalized lower bound theorem for balanced manifolds (with Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke, Satoshi Murai, and Connor Sawaske), Mathematische Zeitschrift, 289 (2018), no. 3-4, 921-942.
- A lower bound theorem for centrally symmetric simplicial polytopes (with Steve Klee, Eran Nevo, and Hailun Zheng), Discrete and Computational Geometry, 61 (2019), no. 3, 541-561.
- A tale of centrally symmetric polytopes and spheres. Recent Trends in Algebraic Combinatorics, 305-331, Association for Women in Mathematics Series, Vol. 16, Springer, 2019.
- From acute sets to centrally symmetric 2-neighborly polytopes, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 32 (2018), no. 3, 1572-1576.
- Convex union representability and convex codes (with Amzi Jeffs), Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2021, no. 9, 7132-7158
- Highly neighborly centrally symmetric spheres (with Hailun Zheng), Advances in Mathematics, 370 (2020), 107238.
- g-vectors of manifolds with boundary (with Ed Swartz), Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 3 (2020) no. 4, 887-911.
- New families of highly neighborly centrally symmetric spheres (with Hailun Zheng), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 375 (2022), 4445-4475.
- The stresses on centrally symmetric complexes and the lower bound theorems (with Hailun Zheng), Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 4, (2021) no. 3, 541-549.
- Many neighborly spheres (with Hailun Zheng), Mathematische Annalen, 388 (2024), 969-984. [PDF]
- Reconstructing simplicial polytopes from their graphs and affine 2-stresses (with Hailun Zheng), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 255 (2023), 891-910.
- Face numbers: the upper bound side of the story, ICM---International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. VI. Sections 12-14, 4622-4645, EMS Press, Berlin, (2023). [PDF];
the talk itself can be found here
- Neighborly spheres and transversal numbers (with Hailun Zheng), in Open Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, vol. 110, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 2024, pp. 113-128. [PDF]
- Affine stresses: the partition of unity and Kalai's reconstruction conjectures (with Hailun Zheng), Discrete and Computational Geometry, to appear.
- The merging operation and (d-i)-simplicial i-simple d-polytopes (with Hailun Zheng), Combinatorial Theory, to appear.
- Affine stresses, inverse systems, and reconstruction problems (with Satoshi Murai and Hailun Zheng), Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2024, no. 10, 8540-8556.
- Transversal numbers of simplicial polytopes, spheres, and pure complexes (with Hailun Zheng), submitted. [PDF]
- Determinants of Hodge-Riemann forms (with Matt Larson and Alan Stapledon), preprint. [PDF]
I am on the editorial boards of
Algebraic Combinatorics,
Proceedings of the AMS,
and SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
I am also co-organizing the
Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar
at the University of Washington together with
Sara Billey, Gaku Liu, and Ricky Liu