MATH 407 - Fall 2020


Syllabus ---- Lectures ---- Weekly Overviews ---- Text---- Models ---- Homework
Zoom Recordings

Instructor: Prof. Burke          E-Mail: jvburke(at)uw(dot)edu
         Office Hours: MW 9:30am-10:20pm (ZOOM)
Prerequisites: Math 308         
TA: Brian Nugent         
E-Mail: bnugent(at)uw(d0t)edu          Office Hours: Taking questions on Piazza


Final Exam Guide

Partial solutions to sample problems

Final Review Lecture

Sign up for Piazza


Math 308 Review

Weekly Overviews

Class Lectures

Course Text



Definition of Terms: Sections 1--3

Using Excel

Optimization Software

Copyright Notice

The documents distributed by this server have been provided by Professor Burke as a means to disseminate of scholarly material on a noncommercial basis. All rights to materials contained herein are maintained by Professor Burke and any cited authors and by other copyright holders, notwithstanding these conditions, these authors have offered this work here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without attribution and without the explicit permission of the copyright holders and the authors.

Mathematics Department University of Washington