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Standard Installation Procedure

    Basic Installation Procedure
        Step 1: Before You Install
        Step 2: Start the Installer
        Step 3: Enter Identification and License Information
        Step 4: Review the Software Licensing Agreement
        Step 5: Choose Installation Type
        Step 6: Specify Installation Folder and Products
        Step 7: Specify Installation Options (Custom Only)
        Step 8: Confirm Your Choices
        Step 9: Read Product Configuration Notes
        Step 10: Complete the Installation
        Step 11: After You Install

    Updating a License
    Installing Additional Products
    Obtaining Your Licenses
        Finding the Host ID on a Windows System

    System Requirements
        General Requirements
        Platform-Specific Requirements
        Other Requirements and Recommendations
        Compilers (for MEX-Files)

Network Installation Procedure

    Setting Up a Network Installation
        Network Configuration Options
        Local Client Access Configuration

    Basic Network Installation Procedure
        Step 1: Before You Install
        Step 2: Start the Installer
        Step 3: Enter Identification and License Information
        Step 4: Specify Location of License File
        Step 5: Review the Software Licensing Agreement
        Step 6: Specify Type of Installation
        Step 7: Specify Folder and Products
        Step 8: Configure the License Manager as a Service
        Step 9: Specify Installation Options
        Step 10: Confirm Your Choices
        Step 11: Read Product Configuration Notes
        Step 12: Complete the Installation

    Installing MATLAB on a Client System
        License File Location

    Setting Up Network Named User Licensing
        Checking the FLEXlm Options File

License Management

    Licensing Components
        License Management Daemons
        Licensing Information
        Creating a License File
        License File Processing on a License Server
        License File Processing on Client Systems

    Managing the License Manager
        Installing the License Manager as a Service
        Removing the License Manager Service
        Starting and Stopping the License Manager
        Using FLEXlm License Management Utilities
        Viewing the License Manager Log File

    Creating Advanced Configurations
        Running Multiple Versions of MATLAB
        Using Concurrent Toolboxes in a Stand-alone Installation
        Running MATLAB with Other FLEXlm Applications
        Configuring Redundant License Servers

    Running the Installer Noninteractively
        Using an Installer Initialization File

    Removing (Uninstalling) an Installation
        Using the Uninstaller
        Running the Uninstaller Noninteractively
        Removing Installations That Use Dongles


    Problems During Installation
    Problems After Installation
        Getting Help with License Manager Problems
        License Manager Error Messages

    Troubleshooting an Installation That Uses Dongles