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Basic Network Installation Procedure

This section describes the basic installation procedure for network installations, in both remote and local access configurations.

For either configuration, you must first install the license manager on your license server. During this installation, the MathWorks Installer performs some necessary processing of your License File. You will use this processed License File for all subsequent client installations. See Installing MATLAB on a Client System for more information.

If you have a remote access configuration, you must also install MATLAB on your license server. You can install MATLAB and the license manager at the same time.

Instead of running the installer and answering the questions posed by each dialog box, you can run the installer noninteractively. In this mode, all the information you would normally provide using the installer dialog boxes you enter in an initialization file. For more information, see Running the Installer Noninteractively.

The following table summarizes the steps in the network installation procedure. If you encounter any trouble during installation, see Troubleshooting for answers to some common installation problems.

Network Installation Procedure
Step 1: Before you install
Step 2: Start the installer
Step 3: Enter identification and license information
Step 4: Specify location of License File
Step 5: Review the software licensing agreement
Step 6: Specify type of installation (must choose Custom)
Step 7: Specify folder and products
Step 8: Configure the license manager as a service
Step 9: Specify installation options
Step 10: Confirm your choices
Step 11: Read product configuration notes
Step 12: Complete the installation

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