Installation Guide for Windows Previous page   Next Page

Installing the License Manager as a Service

The MathWorks Installer gives you the option of installing the license manager as a service. Installing the license manager as a service provides for automatic startup at system boot time and centralizes administration of the license manager through the Windows Services control panel.

To use install.exe to install the license manager as a service, follow this procedure:

  1. Open a DOS Command Prompt window.
  2. Move to the $MATLAB\flexlm folder, where $MATLAB represents your MATLAB installation folder.
  3. Enter the command
  1. where the -c flag specifies name of your processed License File and the -e flag specifies the name of the license manager daemon.

Specifying the Name of the License Manager Service

By default, the license manager service is called the MATLAB License Server in the Windows Services control panel. Using the install.exe utility, you can specify the name of the license manager service as it will appear in the Windows Services control panel.

To specify a different name, use install.exe with the -n flag.

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