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Running MATLAB with Other FLEXlm Applications

If you have another application that uses FLEXlm for license management, you can share a single license manager, or run separate license managers either on the same or different hosts.

The following sections describe these options. For more information, go to the Support page at the MathWorks Web site and see Technical Support solution 20746. You can also read the FLEXlm End User Manual, available in PDF form in $MATLAB\flexlm\enduser.pdf, or go to the Macrovision Corporation Web page at for more information.

Sharing a Single License Manager

To share a license manager with other applications, combine the DAEMON and INCREMENT lines from both License Files into a single License File. In the combined License File, keep only one SERVER line that identifies the license server host. If the other applications are using a different version of the FLEXlm software than the MathWorks products, run the newest version of the license manager.

Running Separate License Managers

To run separate license managers, use separate License Files. If you are running the license managers on the same host, be sure to use a different TCP port number on the SERVER line in each License File.

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