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Problems After Installation

After a successful installation, you may encounter problems starting MATLAB. Many of these problems originate in the license manager (FLEXlm) used by the MathWorks products. This section describes

Getting Help with License Manager Problems

When a problem occurs, the license manager displays an error message in a window on your display and also writes the message to the FLEXlm log file, lmlog.txt, in the $MATLAB\flexlm folder. Read the error message carefully; it provides information that can help solve the problem.

The section License Manager Error Messages contains brief descriptions of many common error messages with recommended solutions. For more complete diagnostic information about an error message, go to the MathWorks Web site,, and click Support.

The Support page includes a Search facility that lets you search the support database for help with an error message by error number. You can select the error number from the License Manager Errors menu, shown in the following figure. If the error message you are interested in does not appear on this menu, enter the exact error message, including the error number, in the search text box, for example, license manager error number -100.

You can also get information about license manager error messages in the FLEXlm End User Manual, available in PDF format in $MATLAB\flexlm\enduser.pdf or at the Macrovision Corporation Web site,

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