Seattle Noncommutative Algebra Day (Tentative Schedule)

March 17-18, 2023 (all talks in PDL C-38, low level)

Friday Morning (March 17, 2023)
9:20--10:00: Robert Won (George Washington University)
Title: Symmetries captured by weak Hopf algebra actions Lecture
10:00-10:40: Coffee break at math lounge=PDL Hall C-130
10:40--11:20: Manuel Reyes (University of California, Irvine)
Title: Categories of hypergroups and hyperstructures Lecture
11:30--12:10: Padmini Veerapen (Tennessee Tech University)
Title: Cocycle twists, Comodule Algebras, and certain Homological Invariants Lecture
Friday Afternoon (March 17, 2023)
2:50--3:30: Xin Tang (Fayetteville State University)
Title: On the Twists of Graded Poisson Algebras Lecture
3:40--4:20: Xingting Wang (Howard University)
Title: Poisson Valuation
4:20-5:00: Coffee break at math lounge=PDL Hall C-130
5:00--5:40: Amrei Oswald (University of Washington)
Title: Twisted tensor products of bialgebras and Frobenius algebras Lecture
Saturday Morning (March 18, 2023)
9:20--10:00: Ellen Kirkman (Wake Forest University)
Title: Homological Regularities Lecture
10:00-10:40: Conference photo at parking lot N16 and Coffee break at math lounge=PDL Hall C-130
10:40--11:20: Frank Moore (Wake Forest University)
Title: Actions of the quantum double of certain finite groups on quadratic AS-regular algebras Lecture
11:30--12:10: Hongdi Huang (Rice University)
Title: Twisting Manin's universal quantum groups and comodule algebras
Saturday Afternoon (March 18, 2023)
2:50--3:30: Tom Lenagan (University of Edinburgh)
Title: Automorphisms of the quantum grassmannian Lecture
3:40--4:20: Harshit Yadav (Rice University)
Title: Unimodular H-comodule algebras
4:20-5:00: Coffee break at math lounge=PDL Hall C-130
5:00--5:40: Jason Gaddis (Miami University)
Title: Ozone groups and centers of skew polynomial rings Lecture