March 2: Due to concerns regarding COVID-19, lecture is cancelled until further notice. Quiz sections will continue as normal for the time being, but please do not attend if you're feeling sick. All absences from Thursday problem practice sessions are automatically excused.
Videos for the remaining lectures are available here on Panopto: Monday March 2, Wednesday March 4, Friday March 6, Monday March 9.
February 28: Here's are the solutions to yesterday's midterm. Also, here's a survey you should take if you have any particular seat preferences for the final.
February 21: Here's a list of topics for the second midterm.
February 7: Here are the solutions to yesterday's midterm.
January 31: Here's a list of topics for the first midterm.
January 17: Here's an overview of the material from Chapters 12.2 through 12.5.
January 9: Here's that derivative and integral worksheet from Tuesday's quiz section.
January 6: Hi! Welcome to Math 126. Please get acquainted with the links above. In particular, make sure you can access WebAssign, Piazza, and the lecture notes.