
Dr. Jonah Ostroff
email: ostroff [at] uw [dot] edu
Office: Padelford C-548

Office Hours

Mondays, 2:30–4 PM
Thursdays, 2:30–4:30 PM


Anderson Hall, room 223
Section D:
    MWF, 11:30 AM–12:20 PM
Section E:
    MWF, 12:30 PM–1:20 PM

Teaching Assistants

Sections DA and DB:
    Ru-Yu Lai
Sections DC and DD:
    Avi Levy
Sections EA and EB:
    Nathan Saritzky
Sections EC and ED:
    Jeremy Upsal

Exam dates:

Midterm 1: April 23rd (quiz section)
Midterm 2: May 19th (quiz section)
Final exam: June 6th
    5:00 PM – 7:50 PM, room TBA


June 3: Here's a list of topics you should be comfortable with on the final.

June 1:
Please look here to see your seat assignment for the final. The maps of the classrooms (with seat and row labelings) are here.

May 31:
Here (finally) are the solutions to the second exam. (Again, there are multiple versions so your numbers might be different.)

May 21:
Here's a link to the Taylor notes which we'll be using for the rest of the course.
    Also, here's a list of exam problems from old finals and their corresponding chapters, so you can begin studying early.

May 12:
Here are two resources for next week's midterm:
    • A list of topics you should know.
    • A list of old exam problems and what chapters they correspond to, so you can focus your studying on particular topics.

April 30:
The solutions to last week's midterm are available here. (Note: there were multiple versions of the exam. Your problems might have different numbers and, therefore, different solutions.)

April 22:
There's an exam tomorrow! Here is a list of topics with which you should be familiar.

April 13:
Hey, we've done a lot of stuff things with vectors, lines, and planes recently. Here's an overview that you might find helpful.

April 7:
Want to practice working with vector operations? Here's a game: Vector, Scalar, or Nonsense?

March 30
: Hey, welcome to Math 126! Please acquaint yourself with the following links:
    • WebAssign, where you'll be completing homework.
    • The Catalyst discussion forum, where you can ask me questions outside of class.
    • Google Drive (Section D; Section E), where you can access the lecture notes.

Also! If you're still trying to register for the class, here are PDFs of the first four homework assignments. You won't be able to submit answers on WebAssign until you register, and your given numbers (especially the ones in red) might be a little different, but at least you can practice with this.
    • Assignment #1 (Chapter 12.1)
    • Assignment #2 (Chapter 12.2)
    • Assignment #3 (Chapter 12.3)
    • Assignment #4 (Chapter 12.4)


Syllabus: Section D, Section E

Class discussion forum
    (login required)

Homework (via WebAssign)

An Approximate Calendar

Lecture notes: Section D, Section E

WebAssign Advice

Math 126 Resource Page

Old exams: Midterm #1

Old exams: Midterm #2

Old exams: Final exam

Daily Fake Exam Problems