Dr. Jonah Ostroff
email: ostroff [at] uw [dot] edu
Office: Padelford C-548
Tuesdays, 1:00–3 PM
(to go over homework, etc.)
Wednesdays, 2:00–3:45 PM
(for one-on-one meetings)
Anderson Hall, room 223
MWF, 10:30 AM–11:20 AM
FA and FB: Brian Krouse
FC and FD: Kelsey Marcinko
Midterm 1: January 28th
Midterm 2: February 25th
Final exam: March 12th, 1:30–4:20 PM
March 4: Here's a list of topics for next week's final exam.
March 2: Here are the solutions to last week's midterm.
February 22: Hey, here are the solutions to that practice honors exam.
February 19: Midterm next week! Some things to do:
• Check out this list of topics.
• Try some exams from the archive, and maybe this old honors exam.
• Practice the DFEPs.
• Come to a review session next week, 3-5 PM on Tuesday the 23rd in Bagley 154.
January 28: Here are the solutions to today's midterm. (There were multiple versions, so yours may have been a little different.)
January 26: Here are the solutions to the practice honors exam.
Also, today's review session will be from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in Gould 322.
January 22: Hey, there's a midterm next week! You should:
• Check out this list of topics.
• Try some exams from the archive and, if you're up for it, this old honors exam.
• Practice the DFEPs.
• Come to a review session next week, date and location TBA (but probably Tuesday).
January 13: Hey, wanna play around with Riemann sums? Here are the Desmos setups I was using in class last week: Left-hand and right-hand.
January 8:
Still trying to register for Math 125? Here are the first few homework
assignments if you want to get started while waiting for WebAssign
access. (Your numbers may be different once you actually register.)
#1A (Due Wednesday 1/13)
#1B (Due Wednesday 1/13)
#1C (Due Wednesday 1/13)
January 5:
I've added an approximate
calendar. It might be off by a few days, especially closer to the
end of the quarter.
January 3: Hey,
welcome to Math 125. You
should get yourself acquainted with the class discussion forum,
WebAssign, Google Drive, and the Math 125 resource page, all of which
are linked on the right.
Also, you'll be completing the first worksheet in quiz section on
Thursday (January 7th), so print it out and bring it with you.
discussion forum
(login required)
(via WebAssign)
notes (via Google Drive)
WebAssign Advice