PDL C-36, Friday 3:30-5pm
[ARS] M. Auslander, I. Reiten, S. Smalo, ``Representation Theory of Artin
[ASS] I. Assem, D. Simson, A. Skowronski, ``Elements of the Representation Theory of
Associative Algebras, I: Techniques of Representation Theory"
[B] D. J. Benson,
``Representations and Cohomology, I: Basic
representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras"
[CB] W. Crawley-Boevey, Lectures on
Representations of Quivers
[RS] C. Ringel,
J. Schröer: Representation theory of Algebras I: Modules
[Y] Y. Yoshino, ``Cohen-Macauley modules over Cohen-Macauley
Link to
introductory material in representation theory of algebras in Paderborn
· October, 8. Organizational
meeting. Introductory presentations by Paul and Julia.
· October, 15. ``Quivers,
path algebras, and their representations", Jim and Gautam.
Jim's notes, Gautam’s notes
· October, 22. ``Quivers with
relations; from algebras to quivers", Cody and Xingting
· October, 29. ``Quivers with
relations; from algebras to quivers", Xingting
finishing up and switching from right to left modules
· November, 5. Homework Assignment:
[ASS], II.4. N3, (c), (f), (h); N12, N15;
to Auslander-Reiten theory: “Irreducible morphisms and Almost Split Sequences", Chris
· November, further dates. Paul Smith.
Notes to be posted