Vaho Rebasoo Term Professor in Mathematics
C-439 Padelford Hall
University of Washington
Department of Mathematics
Box 354350
Seattle, WA 98195-4350 USA
phone: (206) 543-1161
FAX: (206) 543-0397
REU 2017 program on Inverse Problems, Algebraic
Combinatorics, Networks, and Graphs.
2017 application form
Theses and Student Papers
Nick Reichert
Owen Biesel on Mercury's Precession
Owen Biesel
Joel Nishimura
Noah Giansiracusa
Dave Duncan
Nick Addington
David Ingerman (pdf), SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2000, vol 31, 1214-1234
Todd Hollenbeck
Konrad Schroder
Tom Boothby
Genia Vogman
Nate Bottman
Courtney Kempton
Will Johnson
Chad Klumb
Ian Zemke
Mark Bun
Jane Hung
Matt Junge
Cory Barnes
Gracie Ingermanson
Laura Veith
Jerry Li
Reid Dale
John Zhang
Chris Williamson
Kolya Malkin
Will Dana
Peter Rudzis
Collin Litterell
Isaac Love
Julie Zhang
Jordan Brown
Katia Nepomnyashchaya
Logan Gnanapragasam