Course Home Page
Week 1 - Jan 7-11
Week 2 - Jan 14-18
Week 3 - Jan 21-25
Week 4 - Jan 28 - Feb 1
Week 5 - Feb 4 - 8
Week 6 - Feb 11 - 15
Week 7 - Feb 18 - 22
Week 8 - Feb 25 - Mar 1
Week 9 - Mar 4 - 8
Week 10 - Mar 11 - 15
Exam Week Mar 18 - 22
Monday 3/11
Poincare Model of Hyperbolic Geometry
- Some basic constructions
- Comparison with stereographic sphere and DWEG.
Assignment for Week 10:
This is partly online and partly a set of constructions that may be
done in lab or at other times. Follow link for details.
Take home Assignment
This will be considered as part of the Final Exam - Due Monday 3/18 at
the Final Exam.
- Hint - 3 approaches to measuring angles on a sphere: An angle
of a spherical triangle is a dihedral angle between planes. Such a dihedral
angle has been measured in this course in two ways at least: (1) by
finding a suitable triangle in 3-space where the dihedral angle can
be measured as an angle in the triangle or (2) by using coordinates
and the equations of the planes, vectors, , dot products, etc. A third
way to find angles in the sphere is to project the great circles onto
the plane by stereographic projection and (3) find the angles between
the image circles in the plane. This works since stereographic projection
is conformal (preserves angles).