Math 445A Winter 2002

Week 2

Monday 1/14 - Friday 1/18

    Course Home Page

  1. Week 1 - Jan 7-11

  2. Week 2 - Jan 14-18

  3. Week 3 - Jan 21-25

  4. Week 4 - Jan 28 - Feb 1

  5. Week 5 - Feb 4 - 8

  6. Week 6 - Feb 11 - 15

  7. Week 7 - Feb 18 - 22

  8. Week 8 - Feb 25 - Mar 1

  9. Week 9 - Mar 4 - 8

  10. Week 10 - Mar 11 - 15

  11. Exam Week Mar 18 - 22

Monday 1/14

In Class:
Construct orthogonal circles from 3 points and/or circles. Add a point at infinity to form the inversive plane and its i-points and i-circles. Theorem: The inversion image of a line is a line (i.e., the inversion image of an i-circle through infinity is an i-circle through the center of the mirror circle).

Reading: Ogilvy Chapter 3 - read as much as you can. The rest of Chapter 3 will be finished up on Wed.

Problem Assignment 1-16. Due Wednesday

Wednesday 1/16

Class: Inversions, Circles and Angles

Lab 2: Images by Inversion. I-Geometry

Friday 1/18 -

Quiz 1

CLASS ACTIVITY: Examples of images of figures by inversion.

Assignment due Wednesday 1/23