Special Topics 581C: Lie algebras
Instructor: Julia Pevtsova
Place: Loew Hall, 219
Time: 9:30-10:20, MWF
Office Hours: by
appointment (that is, I am happy to talk between classes, just need an advance
Course Description. An introductory course on Lie algebras and their representations. Topics to be covered: Enveloping Algebras and PBW theorem, root systems, classification of simple Lie algebras, representations.
Grading system. Based on homework.
Textbook. J.
Humphreys, Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory
Other references:
· Jacques Dixmier, Enveloping algebras
· N. Jacobson, Lie algebras
· N. Jacobson, Exceptional Lie algebras
· J. Humphreys, Reflection groups and Coxeter groups
· A.A. Kirillov, An Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
J.P. Serre, Complex semisimple
Lie algebras
Homework assignments.
1. Homework 1
2. Homework 2
3. Homework 3
Lecture Notes for the Snow closure on November 24: Cartan Matrices and Dynkin diagrams
End of quarter presentation assignments; to be presented the week of Nov. 29 (after Thanksgiving):
1. Classification of Coxeter graphs: Chad, Trevor, (possibly Kevin and Andrew)
· An Amy and Camil
· Bn and Cn Cody and Luke
· Dn Brendan and Cris
· E8 (and E6, E7) Gautam and Xingting
· F4 David and Jim