Math 126E - Calculus III - Autumn 2014


1:30 - 2:20
Smith Hall 120


Patrick T. Perkins
Padelford Hall C-544
Phone: 206-543-7746
pperkins 'at'


The Course

This course covers a few miscellaneous topics from calculus. Most of our time will be spent on calculus in three dimensions. This part of the course is interesting because we actually live in three dimensional space. We first cover the basics of analytic geometry in three-space. We then discuss parametric equations and introduce the differential calculus of vector valued functions. This part of the class finishes with an introduction to multivariable integration. The last two weeks are devoted to a study of sequences and series. This culminates in Taylor's beautiful theorem. This material is useful for solving differential equations and for making approximations. We will use locally produced notes for this part of the class instead of the textbook. These notes are available here.


Your grade is determined by how you do relative to the class as a whole. Grades will be based on total points earned. There are 270 possible points:

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Calculus, Early Transcendentals by James Stewart
(The Seventh Edition).

The only thing that students are required to purchase for this course is an access code for Webassign.

If you took Math 124 and/or Math 125 at UW recently and purchased a Lifetime of the Edition (LOE) access code for one of those courses, you do not need to purchase anything further.

Otherwise, the cheapest option is to follow this link and purchase LOE access to Webassign for $70. This will come with an electronic version of the text. If you want a hard copy of the text, you may purchase one at the bookstore (approximately $55 for new, $40 for used). In addition, the LOE code will work for Math 324 (which also uses Stewart's text and Webassign) as long as the 7th edition is in use.


will be assigned daily, see the WebAssign site for the problems due. You are responsible for all the problems assigned (ie: any of it could appear on the exams).

Quizzes and Exams

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Rules for taking exams

Quiz section

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you will meet with a Teaching Assistant in a smaller group. This gives you a chance to get more of your questions answered. In addition to getting help with your homework, there will be time for a worksheet that you can work on while the TA circulates and answers questions. The midterm exams will be held in Quiz Section.

Please note that there is no "long" quiz section in Math 126.

The TAs are:

EA & EBHanchao WangPDL C-113hancwang 'at'
EC & EDAvi LevyPDL C-8Lavius 'at'


You will need a scientific calculator for Math 126. It must have trigonometric functions, like Sin and Cos, as well as logarithms and exponentials (ln and exp). I recommend the HP-6S, which costs about $15 at the U Bookstore. The Sharp EL-500LB is also a good choice. It is a little less easy to use, but costs only $10.

Graphing calculators are not allowed on quizzes and exams in Math 126. A graphing calculator is any device with a multiline display that has the ability to graph mathematical functions. Examples are the TI-85 or the HP-48G. Calculators like the CASIO fx-115ES PLUS that can do some basic calculus are also not allowed. See your instructor before the first quiz if you are not certain if your calculator is acceptable.

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Mathematics Department University of Washington