Instructor:James King, C440 Padelford, Tel. 543-1915
Office Hours: Monday 1-2 and by appointment. (This means feel free to ask for a time to meet.) Also, consulting in computer lab is OK.
Teaching Assistant: Zachary Treisman, C8H Padelford
Office Hours: Thursdays, 11:30-12:30, and 1:30-2:30. (You can drop in earlier or late afternoon also. Zach may be in the office.)
This course will be devoted to the geometry of the Euclidean plane and 3-space. A number of mathematical approaches will be used and a number of pedagogical approaches will be used. The software tool called The Geometer's Sketchpad will be used throughout the course, but classroom Sketchpad activities will be concentrated in the associated Math 497 Computer Lab.
There will be regular homework to be turned in (mostly weekly), but also daily activities and assignments that may occur more frequently. There will be a number of announced quizzes and a midterm and a final. Unannounced classroom assessments will also take place, some to get student feedback and some to assess what students are learning.
Grades will be based on the tests (about 60%) the homework (about 30%) and classroom participation (about 10%).
11/2 Quiz 1
11/9 - Midterm
11/30 - Quiz 2
12/14 - Final Exam
Textbooks and software for 444 and 487
Handout in Class on Ratios and Centers of Mass
(This handout is in pdf format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open it.)
Handout from Lab Wednesday 10/3 with assignment for Friday 10/5
Handout from Class Monday 10/8,with assignment for Wednesday 10/10
Lab Handout for Wednesday 10/10
Assignment for Friday 10/19. Also look at the Reading Guide for B&B.
Written Assignment for Monday, 10/22.
Lab for Wednesday 10/24 WITH ASSIGNMENT FOR FRIDAY 10/26 at the end.
Lab for Wednesday 10/31 with Assignment for Friday 11/2 at the end.