This lab consists of most of the Explorations from Chapter 3 of the Green Book (Geometry Through the Circle).
Work through Exploration 3.1 rather quickly. Specifically,
Investigation 1. Just carry out the construction and form the traces by dragging D. Observe the trace figure for the future, but don’t go through all the questions at this time.
Experimental observation leading to conjecture: On page 26, carry out the Well-Placed Circle Construction.
Investigation 2. Carry out this construction. After constructing D, explain why the visual evidence of the circle through A leads to a conjecture that DA = DB. Prove that DA = DB.
Investigation 3. Skip this one for now.
Investigation 1. Carry out this construction and answer the questions.
Investigation 2. Carry out this construction and answer the questions.
Investigation 1. Carry out this construction and answer the questions.
There will be proofs to write up from this lab, due Monday.