This lab will be taken from GTC Chapter 5, BUT SOME SECTIONS WILL BE SKIPPED AND OTHERS WILL BE TAKEN OUT OF ORDER OR MODIFIED. So read the directions carefully.
Definition: Given a circle c, a line m is tangent to c is m intersects c in exactly one point.
The goal of this part is to quickly see the ideas behind the following Theorem.
Theorem. Let c be a circle with center C. For any point A on c, a line m through A is tangent to c if and only if m is perpendicular to CA.
Go to Exploration 5.2, Investigation 2. Carry out the construction of the distance slider in the first figure and also add the perpendicular CE as in the second figure. Do not do all the experiments or answer the questions. Instead, answer these questions.
Carry out Investigation 3 of Exploration 5.2. BUT WITH ONE MODIFICATION.
Carry out Investigation 1 of Exploration 5.2. You can try it with actual coins if you like, but also do it with Sketchpad.
Use the insight you have gathered so far to carry out these constructions with Sketchpad. The same constructions should work with straightedge and compass.
Construction 1. Construct rays AB and AC and construct the angle bisector of BAC. Given any point P on the angle bisector, construct a circle with center P tangent to AB and AC.
Construction 2. Construct rays AB and AC. Let D be a point on ray AB. Construct a circle tangent to both AB and AC whose point of tangency with AB is D.
Construction 3. Construct rays AB and AC. Also construct a segment DE; denote by d the length of segment DE. Construct a circle tangent to rays AB and AC which has radius length d.
Construction 4. Construct rays AB and AC. Also construct rays BA and BD. Construct a circle that is tangent to lines AB, AC, BD. (Hint: Where are the centers of circles tangent to AB and AC? Where are the centers of circles tangent to BA and BD?) Make a script that will take A, B, C, D and construct the circle.
Construction 5. (A special case of Construction 4.) Given a triangle ABC, construct a circle interior to ABC that is tangent to all 3 sides.
The Assignment Due Friday 11/2 is based on the ideas of this lab.