Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Washington
Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics
C-138 Padelford, Box 354350
Seattle, WA 98195
Currently I am a postdoc at the University of Washington, my mentor is Jarod Alper. Starting from 2024, I will be an Assistant Professor. I got my Ph.D. at Brown University under the supervision of Dan Abramovich.
I find it appealing when one can compute explicit numeric invariants of moduli spaces (such as the Brauer group or the Chow ring), or when one can use algebraic geometry to answer questions from combinatorics.
- Moduli of elliptic surfaces of Kodaira dimension one fibered over rational curves (with Dori Bejleri, Josiah Foster, Andres Fernandez Herrero, Svetlana Makarova and Junyan Zhao)
- A criterion for smooth weighted blow-downs (with Veronica Arena, Andrea Di Lorenzo, Siddharth Mathur, Stephen Obinna and Michele Pernice)
- Moduli of boundary polarized Calabi-Yau pairs (with Kenneth Ascher, Dori Bejleri, Harold Blum, Kristin DeVleming, Yuchen Liu and Xiaowei Wang)
- Effective morphisms and quotient stacks (with Andrea Di Lorenzo) International Mathematics Research Notices, To appear.
- Degenerations of twisted maps to algebraic stacks (with Andrea Di Lorenzo)
- Dimers and Beauville integrable systems (with Terrence George)
- The integral Chow rings of moduli of Weierstrass fibrations (with Samir Canning and Andrea Di Lorenzo) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., To appear.
- Moduli of genus one curves with two marked points as a weighted blow-up Mathematische Zeitschrift, Volume 302 (2022), issue 3.
- Moduli of Q-Gorenstein pairs and applications (with Stefano Filipazzi) Journal of Algebraic Geometry, To appear.
- Wall crossing for moduli of stable log pairs (with Kenny Ascher, Dori Bejleri and Zsolt Patakfalvi) Annals of Mathematics, Pages 825-866 from Volume 198 (2023).
- The cluster modular groups of the dimer model (with Terrence George) Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare D., To appear.
- Stable pairs with a twist and gluing morphisms for moduli of surfaces (with Dori Bejleri) Selecta Math (N.S.), Volume 27 (2021) no. 3.
- Moduli of Weierstrass fibrations with marked section Advances in Mathematics. Vol 375, 2 December 2020.- Small contractions of 1-parameter families of elliptic surfaces (Appendix to "Moduli of weighted stable elliptic surfaces and invariance of log plurigenera" by Kenny Ascher and Dori Bejleri). Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Volume 122 (2021), no. 5.
- The Picard group of the moduli of smooth complete intersections of two quadrics (with Shamil Asgarli). Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 372, (2019) No. 5 p3319--3346.
The spring quarter I will teach two 120-students section of linear algebra, on Mon-Wed-Fri.
Before this quarter, but while at UW, I taught linear algebra (several times), introduction to group theory (abstract algebra), and a class on complex algebraic surfaces following Beauville's book, and Kollár - Mori.
While at Brown I taught and TA-ed linear algebra, calculus 1, 2 and math 60 (Analytic geometry and calculus).