Cornell University, Fall 2016

Math 6210 -- Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration


Farbod Shokrieh
Office: 436 Malott Hall
Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30PM - 3:30PM, and by appointment

Teaching assistant:

Hannah Cairns
Office Hours: Mondays 3:00PM - 4:00PM, 218 Malott Hall

Course Webpage:


Robert G. Bartle -- The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure, 1995 Edition
The ebook is freely available to download (with a Cornell NetID).
I might also discuss some material not covered in this book, in which case I will provide references and/or handouts if needed.

Course Description:

The Riemann integral familiar from undergraduate calculus has poor convergence properties and does not behave well in higher dimensions. A much more convenient and flexible theory of integration, based on the notion of a countably additive measure, was developed by Henri Lebesgue. In this course we develop Lebesgue's theory from the ground up. This course is designed for students who need the theory for applications to fields including probability, statistics, economics, functional analysis and PDEs.


Undergraduate analysis and linear algebra as taught in MATH 4130 and 4310.

Lecture time and place:

Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:40AM - 9:55AM
205 Malott Hall


Homework will be assigned (approximately) once a week.
All assignments are here.
Late homework will not be accepted.


On the homework sets, collaboration is both allowed and encouraged.
However, you must write up yourself and understand your own homework solutions.
You should give credit to any outside sources or collaborations.


There will be one (in class) exam on October 20
Books and electronics (calculators, phones, tablets, etc.) are not allowed in the exam.
You are allowed to bring a one-page, one-sided, hand-written cheat sheet (US letter size).


Homework: 40%
Exam: 30%
Project: 30%


If you are taking this course on an "audit" basis, you will not turn in homework/exam/project.
However, those auditing are expected to indeed audit the course; if at some point you decide to stop coming to class, please drop the course.


Students will study and present the following material, and write a short expository article.

Academic honesty:

All students are expected to comply with the Code of Academic Integrity. The institute honor code is available at:

(Last modified on: December 2, 2016)