126A -- Calculus with
Analytic Geometry III
Quarter 2007
and Analytic Geometry III, 126A
Announcements (check here for up-to-date
information about the course)
- Dec. 20: If
you are registered for this class, read the Syllabus
- Jan. 10:
Since Monday, Jan 15th, is a holiday, the homework will
be collected in lecture on Wednesday,
Jan. 17th.
You have an option to turn it in by 2:30pm on Wednesday to your TA.
Problem #7 from HW 3 is recommended but
not required.
- Jan. 11: Sweta has kindly agreed to hold office
hours on Wednesday, Jan. 17th,
10:30-11:30am in the MSC to compensate for no office hours on Monday.
- Jan. 17: The ``weather make-up” policy
is posted here.
- Jan. 17: Practice problems for Midterm 1 are now
posted. Partial Solutions to be posted on Tuesday.
- Jan 30: Midterm 1 and
- Jan 30: The average score on the Midterm I is
33.5 (out of 50). The passing score
is 20. You can estimate your ``curved” numerical grade by using the
following formula
2.9 + (your score – 33.5)*0.067
- Feb. 14: Happy Valentine’s Day! Here is the MIDTERM
II Info with links to practice problems. Solutions to most problems will be
posted on Tuesday.
- Feb. 16: The homework schedule has been
changed. 14.4 is NOT due next
week. Check Homework
for the complete schedule.
- Feb. 16: Quiz 6 (Tuesday, Feb. 27) is on 14.4 and
14.7 material.
- Feb. 28: Midterm
2 and Solutions.
- Feb. 28: The average score on the Midterm I is 34
(out of 50). The passing score is
22. You can estimate your ``curved” numerical grade by using the following
2.9 + (your score – 34)*0.073
- Feb. 28: Final Info and
Study Guide
- Feb. 28: You
can request a “grade check” from your TA.
Send your TA an e-mail with your grades for
quizzes/hws/wks/midterms and ask to compare with his(or her) records. Or bring your recorded grades to the
office hours.
- March 12:
The average score on the Final Exam is 75; the Median is 79. Contact your TA if you
would like to get back your exam.
Have a nice and warm Spring