Cynthia Vinzant — Short bio
Ph.D. Mathematics, 2011, UC Berkeley, (
), advisor:
Bernd Sturmfels
B.A. Mathematics and Neuroscience, 2007, Oberlin College, OH
Academic Positions
2023 - present, Associate Professor, Univeristy of Washington, Seattle, WA
2021 - 2023, Assistant Professor, Univeristy of Washington, Seattle, WA
2020 - 2021, von Neumann Fellow, Insitute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, NJ
2015 - 2020, Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Fall 2014, Research Fellow, Simons Insitute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, CA
2011 - 2014, Hildebrandt Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
Summer 2011, Visiting Researcher, Universität Konstanz, Germany
2020 - 2025, NSF
CAREER: Determinantal, hyperbolic, and log-concave polynomials in theory and applications
2018 - 2019, NSF Conference Grant,
Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics
2016 - 2020, NSF Standard Grant, Comp. Math.,
Real algebraic and combinatorial structures in matrix spaces
2012 - 2015, NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Honors and awards
von Neumann Fellowship, IAS, 2020-21
Sloan Research Fellowship, 2020
Best paper award, 51st Annual Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 2019
Bernard Friedman Memorial Prize in Applied Mathematics, U.C. Berkeley, 2011
Rebecca Cary Orr Memorial Prize, Oberlin College, 2007