Al mercato dei verbi "At the verb market". This dialog was my first attempt at creative writing in Italian.

Lucentestella e i nove giganti "Shiningstar and the nine giants". The original version of this was my second attempt at creative writing, and first in the passato remoto. However, I revised and expanded it in 2012.

Una giornata nelle Dolomiti A little adventure I had in the Dolomites in 1992. I didn't know any Italian at the time.

Le Rapide del Fiume Rogue"Rogue River Rapids". A family adventure on the Rogue River in Oregon, 1993.

La Sorpresa Our daughters threw a surprise party for us for our 60th birthdays. To say that we were surprised would be the understatement of the century.

Come viaggiare con una capra "How to travel with a goat", a little true adventure from the hippie days.

Una lettera anonima This is a letter I received from a friend, complaining bitterly that his Italian teacher was making him study pronominal verbs. I've removed both his name and that of the teacher.

Professore Girasole This started as a textbook exercise of the form "write sentences using the following five expressions", and turned into a vignette on il professore Girasole.

Lo Scheletro e lo Gnomo Conceived as an exercise on a point of grammar that I frequently screw up. If the point in question isn't obvious from the title, it will become so shortly.

Cinquanta Metri Reminiscences from 1972, including a long fall in Yosemite.

Il paese pi\`u pericoloso in Italia

State attenti agli orsiEncounters with animals of the northwest