Day 23

Math 444, Friday, 11/18

Sponsor Today's class is brought to you by the product of a Halfturn and a Line Reflection.
Topics Composing line reflections to give glide reflections as products of halfturns and line reflections. This is a key step to the general triple line reflection result.. Semi-quiz B.
Class Schedule
  • A Half-turn is the product of two line reflections -- in perpendicular lines.
  • A glide reflection, being defined as the product of a translation and a line reflection, is the product of 3 line reflections, two of the lines being perpendicular to the invariant line.
  • Grouping together with associativity, the glide reflection is actually the product of a half-turn and a line reflection. The invariant line of the glide reflection passes through the center of the half turn and is perpendicular to the mirror line of the line reflection.
  • Proof of the nature of triple line reflections (problems 17-19, proving the missing part of Theorem 12).
    • To compose a line reflection, with a general rotation, write the rotation as the product of two line reflections, one of them chosen to be perpendicular to the mirror line.
    • The case of the product of 3 mirror lines is generally the product of a line reflection and a rotation, as above. (With some special cases for parallel lines.)
  • Semi-quiz B - on basics of behavior of isometries

Links to class overheads and notes


Reading Assignment (due Monday 11/21)

Read Brown, 2.7, review 1.5

Due Today

Finish Brown through 2.5.


Assignment 9 (due 11/30)

Construction Portfolio 4 (due Monday 11/21)..

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