HW1: p. 20, problems 2(a,b,e,f,h,i), 3, and 4. (Due Fri., Mar. 30)
HW2: p. 23, problem 11(a,b); p. 142, problems 1, 3, and 4. (Due Fri., Apr. 6)
HW3: p. 142, problem 2; p. 240, problems 1 and 2. (Due Fri., Apr. 13)
HW3.5: If you didn't get the Matlab code to work for problem 2 on p. 240, try it again this week. (Turn in problem 2 on p. 240 (all parts) on Fri., Apr. 20)
HW4: homework_4 (Due Fri., Apr. 27)
Practice problems for MIDTERM: Wed., May 2.
Handout on Suggested Project Topics:
Handout on Project Writeups:
Project proposal due Mon., May 7. Turn in a one or two page writeup
about what you plan to do. Include any references that you plan to
use. Let me know if you plan to work in a group and who the group
members are.
HW5: p. 275, problems 3 and 4. (Due Wed., May 16)
HW6: p. 276, problems 5 and 6. (Due Fri., May 25)
Class will meet in B027 (Communications) on Fri., June 1, for start of project presentations. Written projects are due WED., JUNE 6 at 8:30 am (the time scheduled for our final), when we will have more presentations.
Diary file from MATLAB: diary .
Sample Matlab code for hw1: hw1.m .
Sample Matlab code for hw3: hw3.m .
Sample Matlab code for Poisson's equation on a square with Dirichlet
boundary conditions: poisson.m .
Code to solve the heat equation using an explicit method. (Need
dt/h^2 < 1/2 for stability.) heat1d.m
Code to solve the wave equation. (Need dt/h < sqrt(2) for stability.)