Instructor: Bobby Wilson
Email: blwilson [at] math . uw .edu
Office: Padelford C-344
Office Hours: TBD
Lectures: M W F 10:30 am - 11:20 am, Padelford C-401
This course will focus on the study of classical and multilinear harmonic analysis. In particular, the main goal of the class will be to build the theory of wave packet analysis developed by Carleson and used to solve problems related to convergence of Fourier series and elliptic boundary value problems. We will follow the texts of Muscalu and Schlag ("Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis: Volume 1 and Volume 2") as well as the text of Thiele ("Wave packet analysis"). If time permits, we will end with more recent methods of decoupling due to Bourgain and Demeter.
Prerequisites: 524, 525
Text Book: "Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis", Muscalu and Schlag, Volume 1 and 2, 1st Edition
[09.25.2024] Welcome to the fall quarter! Here is the Syllabus