Alex Wang

About Me:

I am a fourth-year graduate student in mathematics at the University of Washington, interested in number theory, arithmetic geometry, and related things. My advisor is Bianca Viray.

Previously, I was an undergraduate mathematics student at the University of Michigan. Go Blue!

Contact Information:



I am interested in number theory, arithmetic geometry, and related areas.

As an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, I participated in several REUs and other research experiences - detailed information can be found here.


  1. Centrally symmetric and balanced triangulations of $\mathbb{S}^2 \times \mathbb{S}^{d-3}$ with few vertices, with Hailun Zheng.
    European J. Combinatorics 85 (Mar. 2020), 103043


In the 2024-25 academic year, I will be the Lead Teaching Assistant for the University of Washington Mathematics Department.

You can find information about my past teaching here.


In Fall 2023, as a part of my duties as Graduate Student Representative, I will be organizing the Math Department's Current Topics Seminar.

In 2022-23, I co-organized a reading group in algebraic geometry with Andrew Tawfeek.

In Winter/Spring 2023, I organized a reading group in class field theory.


In the 2023-24 school year, I served as both the:

for the University of Washington Mathematics Department.

I was previously an undergraduate mathematics student at the University of Michigan, from September 2017 to December 2020. My website can be found here. Note that this site is no longer being updated.


Here are some projects that I have worked on.