Day 29

Math 444, Monday, 12/6

Sponsor Today's class is brought to you by the Orthic Triangle
Topics Orthocenter H. Orthic triangle has altitudes as bisectors. Relation to circumcircle and nine-point circle.
Class Schedule
  1. The altitudes of a any triangle ABC are concurrent at a point H called the orthocenter of ABC.
  2. The feet of the altitudes of ABC form a triangle called the orthic triangle.
  3. The altitudes and sides of ABC form the interior and exterior angle bisectors of the orthic triangle.
  4. If one starts with a triangle XYZ and constructs the interior and angle bisectors that are concurrent at the incenter H and 3 excenters A, B, C, then XYZ is the orthic triangle of the triangle of excenters ABC and the incenter H is the orthocenter.
  5. The orthocenter H is the center of the dilation with ratio 1/2 that maps the circumcircle of ABC to the circumcircle of the orthic triangle. This circle is called the Nine-Point Circle or the Euler Circle of ABC.
  6. The centroid G (the point of concurrence of the medians) is the center of the dilation with ratio -1/2 that maps the circumcircle of ABC to the the Nine-Point Circle of ABC.
  7. The nine-point center passes through 9 special points: the six midpoints of AB, BC, CA, HA, HB, HC, and also the feet of the altitudes of ABC.
  8. If O and B denote the centers of the circumcircle of ABC and the nine-point circle of ABC, then the four points H, B, G, O are all on a line called the Euler Line, in this order, with HB = (1/2)x, BG = (1/6)x, GO = (1/3)x, where x = HO.

Notes #1 on Orthic Triangle (or as pdf): These notes discuss and prove 2, 3, 4, some of 5.

Notes #2 on Circle Dilations and applications to Nine-Point Circle (to appear soon)


Reading Assignment (due Wednesday 12/8)

Read Notes #1 for today.

Also, BG Chaper 9 has this content.

Construction Portfolio #5 (due Friday 12/10 but can be turned in at beginning of Final Exam)

Due Today




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