Day 21

Math 444, Monday, 11/15

Sponsor Today's class is brought to you by Triple Line Reflections
Topics Solving equations of isometries An important theorem for Isometries.
Class Schedule
  • Solving ab = cd for c or d. Notes with solutions.
  • Given 3 parallel lines m1, m2, m3, denote the reflections in these lines by M1, M2, M3. The triple reflection M3 M2 M1 is a line reflection. Construct the line n so that N, the line reflection in n satisfies N = M3 M2 M1.
  • An isometry is determined by its value on 3 noncollinear points -- "three thumbtack" theorem More formally, Brown calls this the First Fundamental Theorem of Isometries.. Proof.
  • CIDR evaluation.

Reading Assignment (due Wednesday 11/17)

Read: Brown, Sections 1.9, 1.10

Due Today

Read Brown, 1.7, 1.8


Assignment 8 (due Wed 11/17)

Construction Portfolio #3 (bring to lab, Wed, 11/10 -- more than half should be done).

Group 5: Quadrilateral. Due Thursday 11/18 11:59 PM. (pdf)

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