Math 444 11/15 Intro Activity: Solving Equations

1.    Solve the equation ab = cd for c, when a, b, c, d are numbers.

Solution:  (ab)(1/d) = cd(1/d) = c, or c = ab/d.

2.    Solve the equation ab = cd for d, when a, b, c, d are numbers.

Solution:  (1/c)(ab) = (1/c)cd = d, or d = ab/c

NOTE:  The notation ab/c only makes sense when multiplication is commutative and so (1/c)k = k(1/c) = k/c.  NEVER use the notation with a "/" such as ab/c with transformations.

3.    Solve the equation ab = cd for c, when a, b, c, d are transformations.

Solution:  abd-1 = cdd-1 = c

4.    Solve the equation ab = cd for d, when a, b, c, d are transformations.

Solution:  c-1ab= c-1cd = d

5.    Solve the equation ab = cd for c, when a, b, c, d are line reflections.

Solution:  abd = cdd = c

6.    Solve the equation ab = cd for d, when a, b, c, d are line reflections.

Solution:  cab = ccd = d