R. Tyrrell Rockafellar

Department of Mathematics
Box 354350
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-4350
Fax: (206) 543-0397
E-Mail: rtr@uw.edu
I completed my undergraduate work at Harvard in 1957, and my graduate work in
1963 at Harvard as well, after a two-year interruption with travel.
My research interests span convex and variational analysis as inspired by
problems of optimization, with emphasis
on applications to stochastic programming, optimal control, economics,
finance, and engineering. My outdoor interests are optimized at mountain
hiking, sea-kayaking, beach life and landscape gardening.
Vita (basic)
About my name and its other forms:
Terry Rockafellar, R. T. Rockafellar, and Ralph T. Rockafellar
Interview 2011 (NUS, Singapore)
Publications (for individual downloading)
Publication list (pdf)
Presentations Given at Conferences and Seminars
Google Scholar page
Former PhD students (Seattle)
An Overview of Variational Analysis (Shenzhen, December 2021, virtual):
Hidden Convexity in Nonconvex Optimization (Montreal, October 2021,
virtual): video ,
Newcastle Talks on Risk
(February 2010)
Berlin Talks on Risk
(January 2009)
Coherent Approaches
to Risk (INFORMS 2007)
Fundamentals of Optimization
(course notes from the past)
Optimization Under Uncertainty
(course notes from the past)
Asen Dontchev (died September 2021)
memorial video
Alejandro Jofre
Johannes Royset
Jie Sun
Stan Uryasev
Roger Wets
Some scenes of Seattle and its surroundings