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Removing (Uninstalling) an Installation

To remove MathWorks products from your system, use the MathWorks uninstaller program (uninstall.exe). This section describes

Using the Uninstaller

To remove MathWorks products from your system, follow this procedure:

  1. Shut down MATLAB before trying to uninstall it.
  2. Start the uninstaller.
  1. Click on the Start button, choose the Programs option, and select the MATLAB 7.0 entry. On the MATLAB menu, click the R14 Uninstaller.

    Alternatively, you can remove an installation using the Windows Add/Remove Programs control panel. Select MATLAB 7.0 from the list of products.

    When you start the uninstaller, it displays the Uninstall Product List dialog box.

  1. Select the products you want to remove by selecting the check box next to their names.

  1. (Optional) Specify whether you want to remove your MATLAB preferences file.
  1. The MathWorks stores your MATLAB environment preferences, such as command history and Help favorites, in a set of preference files. These preference files are stored in a system folder that is associated with a particular user. To find where your preferences are located, use the prefdir command at the MATLAB prompt. For example, on Windows 2000 systems, prefdir returns:

    where username is the username of the person performing the uninstall.

    By default, the uninstaller does not delete these preference files. If you want to remove these files, select the Uninstall MATLAB preferences check box. When you make this selection, the uninstaller deletes the contents of the preferences folder.

  1. To proceed with the removal, click the Uninstall button.
  1. The uninstaller leaves the MATLAB installation folder on your system, empty except for the \uninstall folder and the \work folder, if it contains files. To completely remove a MATLAB installation, you must delete these folders yourself. You might want to move any M-files you created in the \work folder to another folder before deleting it.

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