Contact info
Info sheet

(For a PDF version of this document, click here.)

Instructor: John Palmieri, Padelford C-538, 543-1785,

Class time and place: MWF 2:30, Padelford C-401

Web page:

Text book: Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher. This book is available for free download from Hatcher's web page, The book store (and Amazon, etc.) should have bound copies for sale, too. Whether you have a bound or downloaded copy, check Hatcher's web page for a list of corrections.

Class structure. I will lecture two days a week (MF); one day (Wednesday, except for week 1) a week will be devoted to discussing exercises.

Homework. I will assign homework regularly; see the course web page for the assignments.

Homework policies. You may work with other people on your homework, but you must write your solutions yourself. If you find a solution in a book or some other source, please provide a reference.


To get a grade of you must
4.0 turn in (reasonable) attempts for at least 80% of the exercises, present at least 5 solutions in our Wednesday discussions, participate in those discussions.
3.6 fail to meet the criteria for 4.0, turn in (reasonable) attempts for at least 50% of the exercises, present at least 3 solutions in our Wednesday discussions, participate in those discussions.
3.2 fail to meet the criteria for 3.6, turn in (reasonable) attempts for at least 20% of the exercises, present at least 1 solution in our Wednesday discussions, participate in those discussions.
2.7 fail to meet the criteria for 3.2, attend class somewhat regularly, turn in (reasonable) attempts for at least 10% of the exercises.

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On 6 Sep 2017, 14:14.