Old homework
Text book
Euclid's Elements
Contact info
Info sheet
Discussion board
Grade book
Writing tips
Some links

(For a PDF version of this document, click here.)

Instructor: John Palmieri, PDL C-538, 543-1785,, office hours Wednesdays 1:30-3:30.

TA: Sonali Tamhankar, PDL C-552,, office hours TBA.

Class time and place: MWF 11:30-12:20, MOR 221

Web page:

Text book: Axiomatic Geometry by John M. Lee.

Class structure. The classes will be a mix of lecture and small group discussion. You must read the text book on your own: any lectures are intended to supplement the reading, not repeat it.

By 9:00pm each Thursday, you should post to the class discussion board: how much did you understand, where did you get lost, what questions do you have, what issues would you like clarified, etc. You can miss one week of these posts and still get full credit for this portion of the grade.

Homework. I will assign homework regularly; see the course web page for the assignments. There will be two kinds of assignments: assignments to be done individually, and assignments done in groups. For the group problems, I may ask you to present solutions in each Wednesday's class. All of the written work will be due on Wednesdays at 3:30pm in my office (PDL C-538).

Late homework will not be accepted. I will drop your lowest individual homework score at the end of the quarter.

TA. This course has a Teaching Assistant, Sonali Tamhankar. She will grade your homework, and she will also hold regular office hours.

Final exam: The final exam is on Wednesday, June 6, 2:30-4:20pm.

Grading. The various components of the course are weighted as follows:

individual homework 35%
group homework 15%
participation and presentations 10%
posts about reading 5%
final 35%

As noted above, I will drop your lowest individual homework score, and you may miss one week of reading posts and still receive full credit.

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On 20 Mar 2012, 21:52.