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Instructor: John Palmieri, PDL C-538, 543-1785, palmieri AT, office hours Wednesdays 1:00-3:30.

TA: Mark Bun, PDL C-115, office hours Mondays and Wednesday, 5:00-6:00.

Web page: or

Text books: Introduction to Linear Algebra, second edition, by Lang; Calculus, One and Several Variables, tenth edition, by Salas, Hille, and Etgen.

Goals. Study linear algebra (covering all of Lang's book) and multivariable calculus (Chapters 15-17 of Salas, Hille, & Etgen).

Class structure. Same as last quarter: meet with Professor Palmieri every day but Thursday, meet with Mark on Thursdays. There are no quizzes this quarter.

"Quiz" sections and the TA. On Thursdays you will meet with the TA, Mark Bun.

Homework. Weekly, just like last quarter, due each Thursday.

Midterms. We will have two midterm exams, on Friday, April 22 and on Friday, May 20. After I've graded each midterm, you will have a few days to correct some of your mistakes for some extra credit. I'll give you more details as the time approaches.

The final exam is on Monday, June 6, 8:30-10:20am.

Projects. This quarter, you will work on a project which explains some application of linear algebra. You will work in groups of 2 or 3 people. The final draft of the project is due on Wednesday, June 1. There will be several intermediate due dates in addition: I will provide details in a few weeks, along with suggestions for some possible topics.

Grading. The various components of the course are weighted as follows:

midterms 40% (20% each)
final 25%
homework 20% (I will drop your lowest homework score)
project 15%

At the end of the year, the Mathematics Department gives a prize to the best student from Math 134/5/6. The prize is a book and a cash award; it is well worth winning. In the Mathematics Department Lounge, Padelford Hall, first floor, opposite the Mathematics Departmental office, there is a plaque on the wall with the names of recent winners of this prize; I encourage you to go look at it.

File translated from TEX by TTHgold, version 4.00.
On 15 Mar 2011, 15:15.