Math 307: homework
General information: some of the word problems here are
(perhaps modifications of) problems from the book Differential
Equations with Applications and Historical Notes by George
- Practice problems for week 1. Do not hand in, but do as
many as you need to in order to learn the material.
- Section 2.1: 13-20, 26, 29
- Section 2.2: 1-8, 24, 25
- Section 2.3: 1, 3, 4, 18, 20
- Due Tuesday, January 14.
- Section 1.1: 15, 16 (suggestion: read p. 7 on
"Constructing Mathematical Models")
- Section 2.3: 2, 15, 19
- Practice problems for week 2. Do not hand in, but do as
many as you need to in order to learn the material.
- do more linear and separable equations if you need to
- Section 2.5: 1-5 and 8-13, but use these instructions
instead: "determine the critical (equilibrium) points,
classify each one as asymptotically stable, unstable, or
semistable, and sketch the solution curves."
- Section 2.5: 20-22
- Due Tuesday, January 21.
- Section 2.5: 7, 18, 26
- this tank problem: A tank contains 50 gallons of
solution, which consists of water in which 25 pounds of
salt is dissolved. At time t=0, pure water runs
into this tank at 2 gallons per minute, and the
well-combined mixture flows out at the same rate. There
is also a second tank of water, which starts out with 50
gallons of pure water. The outflow from the first tank
flows into the second tank, and the mixture flows out at
the same rate. When does the second tank contain the
greatest amount of salt?
- Practice problems for week 3. Do not hand in, but do as
many as you need to in order to learn the material.
- Section 2.7: 1, 2, 11
- Section 3.4: 1-6, 29
- p. 126: 1-32: identify the type of differential
equation (linear, separable, or other; among separable
equations, autonomous or not). If linear or separable,
solve it. (There are other types of differential
equations in that list, types that we don't know how to
- No homework due Tuesday, January 28.
- Practice problems for week 4.
- Section 3.1: 1-16, 20, 22
- Section 3.4: 7-22
- Due Tuesday, February 4.
- Section 3.1: 21
- A sliding chain: A chain, 5 meters
long, is resting on a table, and 1 meter of the chain is
dangling off the edge of the table. Assume that there is
no friction, so the chain starts sliding off the table.
How much time is required for the chain to slide all the
way off the table?
[Hints: You may assume that the chain has constant
density. Also, if you come across an equation like
Aebt + C
+ De-bt=0 and you want to solve it for
t, make the substitution
u=ebt, multiply
the equation by u, and then solve for
u. Once you've solved for u, you can
get t.]
- A sliding bead: Imagine a circle,
positioned vertically. Pick a point P on the
circle different from the top. Connect a wire from the
top of a circle in a straight line to P, and let
a bead slide along that wire. Show that the amount of time
required for the bead to reach the end of the wire doesn't
depend on your choice of the point P.
- Practice problems for week 5.
- Section 3.5: 1-14, 16, 18, 23-30
- Section 3.6: 1-18
- Due Tuesday, February 11.
- Section 3.5: 38, 39
- Section 3.6: 30, 31
- Practice problems for week 6.
- Section 3.7: 1-10, 13-18
- Section 3.8: 1-4, 6-14, 17, 24
- Due Tuesday, February 18.
- Practice problems for week 7.
- No homework due Tuesday, February 25.
- Practice problems for week 8.
- Section 6.1: 5, 7-14, 16-20
- Due Tuesday, March 4.
- Section 6.1: 6, 15, 26, 27
- Practice problems for week 9.
- Section 6.2: 1-23
- Section 6.3: 1-18
- Due Tuesday, March 11.
- Practice problems for week 10.
- Section 6.4: 1-13
- Section 6.5: 1-12
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Last modified: Wed Mar 26 11:46:58 PST 2003