Math 207: Dept of Math, Univ of Washington

Math 207 Summer 2024

  • What you need :
    • Webassign. To access Webassign follow the steps at this link.
      • You will need to buy access (approximately $25) and need to pay by Sunday at the end of the first week of lecture. It's best to wait until you are sure which section you are in, then follow instructions at the above link to pay.
      • WebAssign Office Hours -- UW WebAssign representatives will help students with difficulties registering or paying for WebAssign. Zoom links, with dates and times, are as follows:

      • A common mistake among first time WebAssign users is to type "xy" to indicate "x times y". Typing "x" followed by "y" is interpreted as a new variable with the two letter name "xy". To indicate "x times y", you should type "x*y" or "x space y". When you look at the typeset answer, you won't be able to see the difference between "xy" and "x space y". That's why I prefer to type "x*y", although I do tend to get lazy at times and just type "x space y".
    • Textbook. Introduction to Differential Equations by Boyce, Diprima, and Meade : You can access the etext from your class Canvas page. Access is free for 10 days, then it will cost $26, which you pay via a link on your MyUW Accounts page. You must pay for the book before the end of the free access period. After that you can no longer purchase the ebook. After your purchase, you can read the book online or download and use the VitalSource reader. You can print up to 10 pages at a time as well. The downloaded version doesn't expire.

      If you can't find the link to the etext, contact your instructor. If you have trouble with the payment process, or the link isn't working, contact the University Book Store Course Materials Department by phone at 206-634-3400 x332 or by email

      If you prefer a paper version, any edition of Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems or Elementary Differential Equations will do. A custom version is available through the bookstore. Older versions are cheaper. You don't need to buy the solutions manual. The WebAssign homework is different from the homework problems in the textbook, so the solutions manual will not be particularly useful.

    • Math 207 Grade Policy. The department of mathematics has adopted a grade policy for this course. The median course grades for each section of Math 207 taught during the regular academic year will fall within the range of 3.0 +/- 0.2

    Sample Schedule

    Week Additional Materials Topics and Textbook Sections
    • Prerequisite Skills
    • Some Basic Modelling § 1.1
    • Solutions to Differential Equations § 1.2
    • Direction Fields § 1.1
    • Separable First Order ODE's § 2.2
    • Linear First Order ODE's § 2.1
    • Modelling with First Order ODE's § 2.3
    • Population Dynamics § 2.5
    • Euler's Method § 2.7
    • Review for Midterm 1
    • Homogeneous equations with complex roots § 3.3
    • Homogeneous equations with repeated roots § 3.4
    • Method of Undetermined Coefficients § 3.5
    • Harmonic Oscillator § 3.7
    • Forced Harmonic Oscillator § 3.8
    • Forced Undamped Harmonic Oscillator Beats and Resonance § 3.8
    • Forced Damped Harmonic Oscillator § 3.8
    • Review
    • Midterm 2
    • Tables of Laplace Transforms § 6.2
    • Inverse Laplace Transform using tables § 6.2
    • Solving IVP with Laplace Transforms § 6.2
    9: Final Exam Archive
    • Step functions and time delay § 6.3 and § 6.4
    • Final Exam

    Religious Accommodation Policy: Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW's policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy. Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of the course using the Religious Accommodations Request form.