Math 124 - Winter 2025
A note to the student from the math department.
What if the Calculus
class I wish to add is closed?
How does the Hybrid section work?
All homework assignments will be on Webassign and you must purchase an access code. You will register to Webassign via your course on Canvas. Webassign already comes with the eBook. You have eleven days to purchase Webassign once the quarter starts. If you need financial asistance for purchasing Webassing, please fill-out this form. See the form itself for details.
The textbook for the course is Calculus, 9th Edition, Early Transcendentals by Stewart. An electronic version is included with your purchase of a WebAssign access code, so a paper copy is not required. We do recommend that you read the textbook, and a paper copy will make that easier. You can buy a used, cheaper, possily older edition of the book. A hard copy of the book is not required for the course.
Calculator Policy.
A TI-30X IIS calculator is required in any of the Math 120/124/125/126 courses. It is the only calculator you can use on the exams. We strongly suggest you use the same calculator when you do your assignments and practice for the exams.
Math 124/5/6 Grade Policy
The median course grades for each lecture section (or a single instructor’s combined lecture sections) of Math 124/5/6 taught during the regular academic year will fall within the range of 2.9 +/- 0.2. This policy may not apply to the online sections of Math 124/5/6.
You are responsible for bringing a printout of the correct worksheet to quiz section every Tuesday. Don't do the worksheet at home, you will complete the worksheet in class. Pdf's of each individual worksheet can be found in the Outline table below. Alternatively, click here for a pdf file with all of the worksheets for the quarter together in one file. Worksheet solution links will be activated at the end of each week.
If you need accommodations because of a disability, please contact Disability Resources for Students. For religious accommodations, please see this page. Once your forms have been approved, contact your instructor to discuss details of your accomodations.
Final Exam
Final Exam is on Saturday, March 15th at 1:30pm. See the Common Finals page for details.
Math Study Center
All students in Math 124 are encouraged to utilize the Math Study Center for studying and doing their homework. The MSC is a great place to study where you can work with other students in your course, form study groups, and get assistance from tutors when you are stuck.
Week | Worksheets | Exam Archive | Topics and Textbook Sections |
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