Math 324B: Test 1 grades
Grades are posted here with the last 5 digits of your student number
(except when the full student number is needed to resolve ambiguities).
These are percentage grades (out of 100%). See the
Course Description
for information on what they mean.
10863 81
11018 62
11310 55
13376 73
20080 96
20333 76
20620 98
21704 88
21708 84
21757 86
22074 75
22180 98
22306 92
22618 90
22673 80
22675 57
23119 66
23175 95
23339 91
24049 92
24767 100
25128 43
26135 79
26371 85
26375 80
28055 96
28319 62
30984 100
31817 81
33254 53
33679 94
33871 66
35188 77
36110 88
40560 100
41188 20
9550125 100
9750125 55
50189 74
50236 66
50376 35
50424 83
50448 56
50468 62
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