Math 324A & 324B: General Information and Requirements
As of the weekend before the start of Spring quarter, both sections A
and B are full, but there are openings in at least one other section.
On Wednesday, April 2, several openings in my sections will become
available on STAR on a first come, first served basis. There will
probably be a few more spaces during the second week of classes, as
people drop the course. If you are not currently enrolled, the only way
to get in is by registering through STAR when space becomes available;
no entry codes will be given.
Every Thursday from 12:30 to 2:20, there will be a Math 324 Problem
Session in Miller 302A. It will be available to students in all
sections of Math 324, and will be staffed by Math 324 instructors and
student volunteers. You are encouraged to use it as a place to work or
to meet with a study group, whether or not you need help.
Your written homework will consist of all the problems at the ends of
chapters 2 through 17 of [AMCI]. See the course schedule for the
homework due dates. The homework will take a lot of time, so don't
put it all off until a few days before it's due! Late homework will
not be accepted except in extraordinary circumstances and with advance
The homework will be graded as follows: each problem for which you write
up a complete solution earns one point (this means drawing a picture if
appropriate, and writing out all steps of the answer,
complete with justifications; just writing the problem and copying the
answer from the back of the book are not sufficient). In addition, one
problem from each set will be chosen for careful grading: depending on
whether your work on that problem is correct, you will receive up to 10
additional points. You won't know in advance which problem will be
There will be four 50-minute Friday tests;
see the course schedule for dates. Each test will consist of five
questions, usually very similar to ones you've done for homework. You
may bring to the exam two 8 1/2" x 11" one-sided pages (or
one sheet written on both sides) of your own handwritten notes. No
books, photocopies, or printed materials are allowed. No makeup tests
will be given.
The first test (Friday, April 4) will consist of review questions on
prerequisite material from Math 126, which is summarized in Chapter 1 of
[AMCI]. Scores from the first test will be available on the Math 324A/B
Web site and on my office door by 6:00 PM that same day. If you do
poorly on this test, it probably means you're not sufficiently familiar
with the prerequisites and you may wish to drop the course. You may
drop without charge through April 11.
The final exam for Math 324A (9:30 section) will be Wednesday, June 11,
at 8:30-10:20 AM; the one for Math 324B (10:30 section) will be Monday,
June 9, at 8:30-10:20 AM. The exam will consist of eight problems,
covering material from the entire quarter, with a slight extra emphasis
on the last three weeks. Each problem will be comparable in difficulty
to the problems on the tests. You may bring to the exam two
8 1/2" x 11" one-sided pages (or one sheet written on both
sides) of your own handwritten notes. No books, photocopies, or printed
materials are allowed.
You may not take the final exam other
than at the scheduled time except for religious reasons or extraordinary
circumstances of grave personal import. Plans for sporting events,
travel or work on exam day, etc. do not constitute extraordinary
circumstances. To arrange an alternative exam time, you must give
Professor Lee a written request, accompanied by appropriate written
documentation, no later than Wednesday, April 30. Approval of such
requests is by no means automatic. If you are unable to take the final
examination for reasons of health, you must contact Professor Lee before
the final, and you will have to provide a written medical excuse.
Your grade will be based on a weighted average of the following scores.
Roughly speaking, an overall score of 90% will get you a 4.0, 45% a 1.0,
and grades in between will be linearly interpolated. Any grade below 1.0
will be considered failing.
12% | Homework assignments
44% | Friday tests
44% | Final exam
Math 324A/324B home page