Week 01/06-10
Week 01/13-17
Week 01/20-24
Week 01/27-31
Week 02/03-07
Week 02/10-14
Week 02/17-21
Week 02/24-28
Week 03/03-07
Week 03/10-14
- Week 03/17-21
Class Handout page
unifies links to Class Handouts. All are also linked from each week's
page. See pages on lower left for labs, tests and review, assignments
and answers, and interactive Java Sketchpad pages.
Instructor: James King, C440 Padelford, Tel. 543-1915
Office Hours: Monday 1-2 and by appointment. (This means feel
free to ask for a time to meet.) Also, feel free to ask questions during
computer lab.
Email: king@math.washington.edu
Home Page: www.math.washington.edu/~king
Teaching Assistant: Zachary
Treisman, C8H Padelford
Office Hours: Th 10-11:30 and by appt.
Email: treisman@math.washington.edu
Course Information: Description, Texts,
Assignments, Tests, Grades
Tests and Study Sheets
- Quiz 1, Friday 1/24
- Midterm, Friday 2/7
- Quiz 2, Friday, 2/21
- Quiz 3, Friday, 3/7
- Final Exam, Monday, 3/17