A straight line on a cone or cylinder means straight from an ant's view, not the view of an observer in space. You can simulate this a number of ways. We will take an approach with ribbons and (initially) with rolling.
Let c be a circle in a plane with center O. The right circular cylinder on c is the set of all points on lines perpendicular to the plane that pass through c. A right circular cone on c with vertex P is the set of all points on lines though c and also through a point P on the line through O perpendicular to the plane. The point P is called the vertex of the cone.
The lines in the definitions are called generating lines of the cylinder or the cone. The intersection of the cylinder or cone with a plane parallel to the plane of c is called an equatorial circle (for the cone, one special case is does not give a circle – the parallel plane through P).
Notice that this definition of a cylinder or cone describes a surface of infinite extent. But when we make a model we are of course confined to making a bounded piece of the cylinder.
Here are two ways of making a model that we shall use:
Here are two ways of making a model that we shall use: