Assignment 4B (Due Wed 1/29)
4-3 Cylinder Model
Find a right circular cylinder or build one. On this cylinder, you should
draw 3 pairs of points as described below. In each case draw accurately a straight
line between the points. Also draw one or more additional lines between the
points if such lines exist.
- Draw points A and B on an equatorial circle.
- Draw points C and D on a generating line.
- Draw points E and F in "general position", i.e., neither on an
equatorial circle or a generating line.
Note: The model should be constructed with some level of craft and labeled
clearly. However, it can be untaped to be a flat sheet for transportation purposes.
4-4 Cylinder Questions
Write a paragraph or two answering the following questions.
- What is a straight line on a cylinder? Why is this a reasonable definition?
What do the lines look like? Are there special cases, and if so, what are
- If two points A and B are on an equatorial circle, tell what are the lines
through A and B (and why).
- If two points C and D are on a generating line, tell what are the lines
through C and D (and why).
- If two points E and F are in "general position", i.e., neither
on an equatorial circle or a generating line, tell what are the lines through
E and F (and why).
4-5 Cone Model
Make two models of cones, one with a 180 degree cone angle and one with a 90
degree cone angle. On each cone, you should draw 3 pairs of points as described
below. In each case draw accurately a straight line between the points. Also
draw one or more additional lines between the points if such lines exist.
- Draw points A and B on an equatorial circle.
- Draw points C and D on a generating line.
- Draw points E and F in "general position", i.e., neither on an
equatorial circle or a generating line.
- Also, in each case, draw a straight line that intersects itself, if such
is possible.
Note: The model should be constructed with some level of craft and labeled
clearly. However, it can be untaped to be a flat sheet for transportation purposes.
4-6 Cone Questions
Write a paragraph or two answering the following questions.
- What is a straight line on a cone? Why is this a reasonable definition?
What do the lines look like? Are there special cases, and if so, what are
- If two points A and B are on an equatorial circle, tell what are the lines
through A and B (and why).
- If two points C and D are on a generating line, tell what are the lines
through C and D (and why).
- If two points E and F are in "general position", i.e., neither
on an equatorial circle or a generating line, tell what are the lines through
E and F (and why).