Math 445 Geometry Projects
Instructions (Outline)
- Zack will manage the projects and will serve as a sounding board for feedback.
- Several projects will be due each week, starting after the midterm, so they
are spaced out during the rest of the quarter.
- Projects can be done by individuals or pairs.
- Projects should be taken from the project list. Each project should have
a different topic.
- What will be produced will depend somewhat on the nature of the project,
but all will include a paper and a 10-minute oral presentation (maybe a bit
longer for pairs). The presentation will either be given in front of the class
or videotaped for later viewing (perhaps both). Some projects will include
models or perhaps classroom activities. Ideas should be checked with Zach.
- The nature (or "center of gravity") of the project will vary depending
on emphasis. Some will require learning new advanced geometry topics, so a
basic understanding and good exposition are key. Projects on more elementary
topics should show a richer understanding of alternate ways of thinking and/or
explaining. Some may involve building of models; this could replace some of
the verbal explanations in other projects. Since there are so many options,
all idea should be vetted by Zack.
Due Dates
- Monday afternoon 2/4 or earlier. Tell whether your project team will
be solo or duo (and the name of your partner if duo). Email to treisman@math
with cc to king@math.
- Week 5 - Feb 4 - 8. Meet with Zack about your project.
Project Ideas -- Follow this link.
This list of project topics is initially incomplete but will be updated several
times soon. If you wish for more information about sources, please ask.