
Gunther Uhlmann

Robert R. Phelps and Elaine F. Phelps Endowed Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

Research Interests

My research mostly concerns inverse problems and imaging, partial differential equations, microlocal analysis, and scattering theory. I focus on applications as medical imaging and imaging the structure of the earth. My CV can be found here and my short CV can be found here.

Recent Publications

  • K. Krupchyk, G. Uhlmann, L. Yan. A remark on inverse problems for nonlinear magnetic Schrödinger equations on complex manifolds. Proceedings of the American Math. Soc., 152 (2024), 2413-2422.
  • R.-Y. Lai, G. Uhlmann, H. Zhou. Recovery of coefficients in semilinear transport equations. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 248 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 62, 41 pp.
  • H. Quan, G. Uhlmann. The Calderón problem for the fractional Dirac operator. Math. Research Letters, 31 (2024), 279-302.
  • G. Uhlmann, Y. Wang. The anisotropic Calderón problem for fixed high frequency. SIAM J. Math Analysis, 56 (2024), 4084-4103.
  • G. Uhlmann, J. Zhai. Determination of the density in a nonlinear elastic wave equation. Math. Annalen., 390 (2024), 2825-2858.
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    Department of Mathematics
    C-449 Padelford Hall
    Box 354350
    Seattle, Washington 98195-4350

    Phone: 206-543-1946